Energy Performance Certificates

Energy Performance Certificates

An energy performance certificate (EPCs) shows the energy efficiency of a property and gives a rough idea on the costs of running the property. It is a legal requirement for landlords, or their agent, to advertise a property with a valid EPC and any potential tenant...
Right To Rent In The UK

Right To Rent In The UK

It’s a criminal offence for a landlord, or their agent, to not check a tenants or permitted occupiers right to rent in the UK. This offence carries a maximum prison sentence of 5 years! Therefore this blog post is designed to assist with the carrying out of...
Renting with Pets

Renting with Pets

Renting with pets can often have certain misconceptions. Many Landlords can overlook perfectly good tenants, just because they come with a pet. Therefore, this blog post aims to clarify the benefits of letting your property to tenants with pets, as well as the actions...
Lettings Fee Ban

Lettings Fee Ban

On the 1st June 2019 the Lettings Fee Ban comes into force and there will be a lot of changes that everyone needs to be aware of. In short, no agent or landlord can charge tenants fees to set up, renew or end a tenancy. Although there are a couple of exceptions, which...