Very simply, activity levels return to somewhere near before lockdown. The market was showing very good signs of recovery from the uncertainties over Brexit and the General Election, while sentiment was excellent among buyers and property values were beginning to lift. There was a remarkable sense of get-up-and-go from every quarter that was cut suddenly short, but whose spirit wasn’t quelled.
In the event of an instant bounce, we’d suggest acting immediately to get your property on the market. Many people will want to get back on track with their lives and plans which could well result in photographers, energy inspectors and estate agents being overwhelmed with requests to get properties listed. So if a date is set for lockdown to end, get those appointments booked in as soon as you can.
That possibility also makes now the time to deal with any outstanding issues that might detract from your home’s saleability: the decor, the clutter, the kerb appeal, the cleaning. You can find other articles on our blog to help you prepare your property for sale, or you can arrange a virtual tour with us now so we can advise you on how to be ready when the moment comes.
Discussions between the housing minister and estate agency representatives have focussed on how to allow viewings while keeping social distancing and other safety measures in place. If you are home at the time of a viewing you may be required to wait outside, while potential buyers could be asked to avoid touching surfaces and to attend alone or as a couple, with any children left at home. Agents are likely to be instructed to carry wipes and disinfectant, while everyone attending will probably have to wear masks and gloves.